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Tuesday, April 28, 2015

Can You Blame Me? ..

Hello my dear friends,

 everyone loves to surround themselves with things they find beautiful and I am for sure one of them.

 It could be an a pair of old worn baby shoes, some old keys or an old tatty doily that cost 25 cents. For me one of them is my newest found love for sari silk ribbon in the most stunning colors or a breath taking creation by a friend. The price tag doesn't really matter all that much because I have found items for 20 cents or free on the curbside ~ you just have to love it.

These days I find it a little hard to say 'no' when I see silk ribbon in truly beautiful colors and once the images of what I could turn it into pop into my mind, I am lost. That is the explanation of  why I just bought some amazing silk ribbon over the past few days.

Just look at these color ...

 (Sari silk ribbon from Designtalentedone via Etsy)

But then all this lovely ribbon is not for me to keep but to work with.
 These days I try not to hold on too many of my creations which can be hard at times but I do have photographs of everything I make and that is all I need, most of the times. Of course there will always be the one creation that I just can't let go and these days those tend to be my Christmas pieces.

I usually don't really spend a lot of money on myself  these days but once in a while I gift myself with something beautiful which I did so last week. I couldn't resist this lovely piece.

It is my dear friend Vicki's newest 'Shabby Chic' nest creation.
(Photo courtesy of http://vicki-2bagsfull.blogspot.com)

I saw it, fell in love with it and like I said just couldn't say 'no' to it and since I have been good and I have been saving, I allowed myself to treat myself.  Honestly, can you blame me?! I love working with lovely treasures and bits and pieces and I love having a few of them as mine too.

After this though it is 'no spending time' again for a while and I am so fine with that. I think that if you treat yourself once in a while and not too often, you will really appreciate it so much more.

Thank you for taking the time and stopping by today to visit me here at Todolwen. It is always so nice when you do so and I would love for you to visit me maybe sometime again.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.


  1. Love your new Vicki nest. Your blog introduced me to Vicki a year or so ago when you posted about her nests. I now have 3 and one of yours :) all to use in my seasonal vignettes. Looking forward to your new sari nests, your new colors are beautiful. Have a creative day!

  2. OMGoodness ... you certainly are the fortunate one, Karen. Aren't Vicki's nests THE BOMB???? And now you have a piece of me, too (the stamped tissue paper, the bird tag and the little square tag tied onto the nest!!!!!)

    Enjoy your indulgence!

  3. Lucky you to own one of Vicki's marvelous creations. You both make such incredible nests - so different from each other and both definitely special. Maybe one day I'll be able to save my pennies to buy one (pipe dream, considering they don't even MAKE pennies any more...lol).

  4. Sweet Karen-- I'm so late to visit-- and had no idea that you had shared this photo:)
    That little nest is so very lucky to have found its way to your home and heart...
    Xoxo to you.....

  5. Wow - gorgeous nest! A treat now and again, when it;s something you truly love, is a good thing.
    As for the sari ribbon - stunning. Just lovely Karen,,, I also love sari ribbons and treated myself a while back. It's almost gone now but I have treasured every bit - and thanks for the source information - I will certainly check it out...
    I hope you are having a wonderful Spring!

    Many hugs,

