Hello my dear friends,
I have been saying this what seems like forever but this year is finally going to be all about decluttering and 'less is more' when it comes to holding onto my creations. It is often hard for me to let some pieces I have made go but my shelves are full and it has to be done, starting today and no going back!
I am not sure if many of you remember the creations that I am sharing today.
It is almost a year ago now that I did my "Renew, Reuse and Remake" post on a few of my felted nests. I had taken a two of my "Alice in Wonderland" themed nests apart and then turned them in to lovely blooming Spring nests. Again once I made them and like so many other creations of mine, they ended up on one of my shelves in my studio but hopefully not for much longer. They both are looking for new homes and are therefore now listed for sale in my Etsy shop.
There is a larger nest and a smaller one. Both are embellished with little crochet and hand dyed flowers and hand felted leaves. Each nest holds painted wooden eggs but I can't make my mind up which color is the one to use and since I think both look very nice I have decided to give an option when it comes to the color of the eggs. They can be either a shade of blue or an off white color. You can see each option in my photos.
This is the larger one of the two Spring nests.
Many little bunches of flowers are growing from it.
There are lovely white daisies, purple violets, primroses in white and pink and bright yellow buttercups. Three wooden eggs live happily in this nest.
And this is the smaller one of the two Spring nests.
Little white primroses, yellow buttercups and purple violets grow from this nest and two little wooden eggs live happily in it's midst.
I love to write little stories for some of my creations and that is what I did for these two nest too.
"This has happened many times before at Forest's Edge: On a cold Winter day a strong wind blew so harsh again that two nest that had been living in a tall tree fell to the ground. Fortunately they didn't break from the fall but became a little crooked and lopsided. From that day the two nests happily lived at the bottom of the tree from where they had fallen. Mother Nature took a liking to them being there and after Winter left and Spring arrived and after all the snow had melted, she decided to be very kind to the little nests. She turned them into blooming pretties. Flowers started to grow and bloom all over the two nature homes and even thought they were not high up in a tree, some birds like them so much that they laid their eggs in the midst of them."
I am already thinking of a new nest that I would like to try and make one day. I will give you a tiny clue, one word only ... mushrooms. Fingers crossed I will be able to create it the way I already can see it in my mind. It won't be for a while though but it is on my to-do list for sure.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have enjoyed my creations and your visit today.
I hope you are well my dear friends and that life is treating you kind.
Have a peaceful and creative day.
I am already thinking of a new nest that I would like to try and make one day. I will give you a tiny clue, one word only ... mushrooms. Fingers crossed I will be able to create it the way I already can see it in my mind. It won't be for a while though but it is on my to-do list for sure.
Thank you for stopping by and I hope you have enjoyed my creations and your visit today.
I hope you are well my dear friends and that life is treating you kind.
Have a peaceful and creative day.