Hello my dear friends,
in my case this post should really be called "re-grow your blog".
Welcome to my blog!
Many of you know me but for those who don't I am Karen B. and my blog is 'Todolwen'.
I am the wife of a now retired British soldier and for many, many years we travelled the world with the British army. In 2006 we moved back to Canada (where I am originally from) with our two daughters.
Creating has been a part of my life since I can remember; I started to sew when I was 5 and knitting came next and after that my thirst for more ways of being creative just kept growing. Even today I will try anything new that looks like it could be fun.
I also have a love for anything very old, tarnished and tattered and love spending time at antique fairs, shops and markets.
I started blogging in 2011, after meeting Dawn, Barbara Jean and Lisa on the Internet ~ all ladies with wonderful blogs ~ and they all inspired me so much. Because of these ladies and my love for creating I wanted and did create my own blog and that is how Todolwen became.
My blog name 'Todolwen' is an anagram that I created specifically for my blog from the words 'old to new'. The reason behind these words is that, that is what I try to do - take old things and give them a new life. It took me some time to come up with the right placement and rearrangement of the letters but in the end my blog name was created and I loved it.
My blog is my baby, at times my escape and it is my little place to come to and enjoy other bloggers talents and beautiful work.
I also love sharing my creations and many of my tutorials which most of them are free. From time to time I even share a little bit about what is happening in my life too.
These are some of my free tutorials ...
... that you can find there on Todolwen.
Vicki is one of my dearest friends I made in blogland.
My reason for joining her amazing event of 'Growing your Blog' this year is ...
... not only to make new friends and re-find old followers but also to inform you all of what can happen to your blog if you intend to make changes and are not very careful.
Until recently I had many followers until I decided to do something to my blog's URL. I wanted to make a change my name and please don't think that I just went ahead and didn't inform myself first via blogger, because I did. There were no alarm bells going off saying that if you altered/changed your URL there is no turning back and that you will lose all your followers ... so I went ahead and did it. To my horror after I changed it, that is when all of the sudden the message appeared that you can not undo what you just did and all my lovely followers were gone and there was no way I could find them again.
Therefor my advise to you is not to ever change anything to do with your URL as it will have a huge impact on your blog!
Work is still continuing on my blog, trying to get it back to where it was before that dreadful day last November and I am sure more is still to follow for a little while longer but please don't let this stop you from visiting me at Todolwen ~ I have so much to share!
And now ...
... if you wish take a few moments and explore Todolwen but before you do so make sure you leave a comment to enter my giveaway!
I haven't had one in a long time and this special event seems the perfect occasion to have one.
And this is my giveaway gift!
Any one can take part and you don't have to be a follower to enter my giveaway but it would be lovely if you decided to become one! The winner will be announced on Feb. 15th 2014.
The giveaway is now closed!
And last but not least ...
... I would like to say 'thank you' to my dear friend Vicki for being such amazing person and for hosting this event again.
I hope you are well my dear fiends and life is treating you kind.
Have a peaceful and creative day.
Karen B.