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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Sorry To Disappoint You .. My Last Spring Nest ..

Hello my dear friends,

I was planning on listing my last Spring nest in my Etsy shop tomorrow morning ...

... and I will, but it will now be a reserved item for my sweet friend Vicki from '2 Bags Full', who makes the most beautiful nests herself. She e-mailed me earlier today with her request of buying it before it was listed.
I am sorry to disappoint any of you lovely bloggers. I will check my studio in the next few days and see if I have everything I need to make a few more of my Spring nests within the next 4 weeks hopefully.
Once done I will let you know when they will be listed in my Etsy shop.
 Thank you for understanding.
I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.
Have a peaceful and creative day,
Karen B.

1 comment:

  1. Since it's Vicki, I'll forgive you!!!!! I saw she told you she'd sent an e-mail..now I know what it said!! Ha. I can't complain.. I've just put my name on her next nest for May 2014.
    But I'll certainly watch for the new ones you'll post. (I've got a "thing" for nests as Vicki can attest to.)
