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Friday, February 1, 2013

A Red Dress ..

Hello my dear friends,

 I can't believe that it is almost Valentine's Day and I haven't even started to think about what I am going to create for my family. I have a few little ideas but again ... I need to find my muse right about  ... NOW!

OK ... ideas ... I have a ballgown that I once bought for my younger daughter Caylagh in a thrift store and we traded things and long story short - now it is mine. It is made from very beautiful dark red velvet and another fabric and is so pretty but I am going to cut it up and try and make something even more lovely out of it for Valentine's Day.

I love the color and the textures of these fabrics and I am wondering what I am going to be able to create from it.

Last but not last ...

... day before yesterday it was about 14 degrees C here in south~western Ontario with a lot of rain. All the snow melted away and you could have thought that Spring was going to start making an appearance since everything was green again. So that was day before yesterday!

Yesterday was a different story. High winds were blowing over night and  we went from plus 14 C to minus 14 C with the windchill factor and guess who is back ... the wonderful white little glistening winter fairies ... and lots of them.

This was the street last night at 9 pm ET ~ taken from my front door!

(Sorry about the not-so-good photo ~ it was dark and snowing.)

And then, whilst I was sitting writing this post, guess what appeared in our garden right outside my dining room window at 10 pm  ... a little rabbit looking for something to fill it's tummy with; I threw out a few little carrots ~ hopefully it will find them.

And finally ...
 I am almost ready to share my giveaway post. I will be posting it on Monday morning so make sure you come back after the weekend and take a look and maybe leave a comment.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. YIKES!!! OMG, I wish I had the courage to cut things up, but I just can't bring myself to do it! But I have to admit that the fabrics you have shown in the teaser pic look so delicious and I am sure you will create something amazing.

  2. haPPy blog birthday :) Just found your wonderful blog ~ thanks so much for the lovely patterns you have shared ~ can't wait to make them :)
    have a coZy day :)

  3. Guess the bunny's clock isn't keeping good time that's why he's just a little early for Easter, lol.

    That red velvet material looks good enough to eat. Can't wait to see what concoction you come up with.

    Cheers, Linda.

  4. You just can't count on that warm weather staying for long this time of year. We've (finally) had a warmer couple of days, but not counting on it to stay for long. We have a lone little bunny who shows up in our back yard too.. and we also put out a few bits of carrot for him.
    The red dress is great fabric...not sure I could cut it up either. But I've not doubt you'll make something absolutely stunning..like a lucsious red pillow!!

  5. Karen
    that fabric is just luscious.
    Tough decision what to make with it.
    If you decorate with those colors, fancy pillows would be great, or even a very fancy purse to hang somewhere.
    Just using it to 'fluff' somewhere would be great too. (even if it is just while you are deciding what to do with it.)

    I know whatever you do will be wonderful and I cannot wait to see.


  6. lovely, lovely post which made me smile! wonderful fabric; GO FOR IT Girl!!! I bet you'll create something even more beautiful than the one you're gonna cut apart...
    fancy that weather you have! but isn't it so that once the snow is gone you want spring to be there illico presto? When I lived for 18mo in Toronto (in another lifetime...) I was thrilled with the masses of snow we had and 10 days later I was fed up to my teeth...
    Have a happy weekend
