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Friday, August 2, 2013

My Granny Heart .. And About My Free Tutorials

Hello my dear friends,

I shared a photo of my newest little crocheted pretty with you yesterday but decided to work on the pattern a little more and now it is perfect. And  ~ yes, it is only slightly different than the first one I made.
My little granny heart.
And I have been thinking ...

... I am sure you all recall my very sad decision some weeks ago to not sharing any more free tutorials on Todolwen because of all the issues I have had with them being copied by people.

 Well I haven't changed my mind about posting them on my blog but I have decided that it is not right for all you lovely bloggers out there that have been so kind to me and that enjoy my little sharings, to miss out.
So ... I am going to share my new free tutorials now with you via e-mail.
All you have to do if you wish to have the pattern and the 'how to' for my little Granny Heart is e-mail me  (my e-mail address is located in the right side bar) and I will e-mail you the PDF file. When can you request the pattern? ... I will be able to take requests starting from tomorrow. I will check my e-mails a few times a day, so you should have it within a day or so.

I am already working on a few more little crocheted pretties that I will share with you the same way but not just yet. They are meant for the colder months of the year. When ever I have a new free tutorial for you, it will be announced here at Todolwen and I will have a new section in my right side bar called:

'Free Tutorials via E-mail'.

This way they will be able to be seen by new bloggers that visit me here at Todolwen too.

Why e-mail? .. Well, because many bloggers still have the 'no reply blogger' setting when they leave a comment and I am happier with the e-mail option right now.

I hope this makes a few of you Sweeties out there a tiny bit happy!

I hope you are well and life is treating you kind my dear friends.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. Hi Karen,

    what a nice surprise, thank you give us this sweet heart as a PDF. I wish you a nice day.

    I'm happy an will send you an email


  2. A really sweet heart. I think this is a good solution to the problem of others stealing your work. Good luck.

  3. Gorgeous crochet heart...Thank you for sharing.... Hugs May x x x

  4. That's so kind of you Karen. I really like your sweet crochet creations and will send you an e-mail to get this pattern. Margie x

  5. I love your sweet crochet free patterns! Thank you!

  6. I like this cute little hart in crochet and will be very glad if you send me the tutorial. Thank you very much Karen.
    Have a nice day (very hot in Belgium !)and thank you also for all your nice creations you share.

  7. c'est bien de faire ainsi, je suis aussi sur blogger et je ne sais pas encore comment faire pour répondre aux commentaires ! les PDF par E.mail c'est bien, je suis débutante en crochet, je suis entrain de faire un petit châle en faisant de la chainette et j'y arrive, je veux bien avoir les explications de ce petit coeur, je vais t'envoyer un mail, en attendant, je te souhaite un bon week end, Ladyfée

  8. What a sweet crochet heart! Love all of your sweet crochet creations!

  9. Love your crochet heart and flowers. I enjoy using the smaller threads also for my crochet. I am still fairly new to crochet, took it up after I learned to tat. Thanks so much for sharing your creations!

  10. Hello - I use flowers, etc to decorate tiny items for 'Babies born asleep' - generally around 16 weeks gestation, so would really like to have your Granny heart pattern, please

  11. I really love this heart and would like to have the pattern. I just started following your blog and I love it. I have made the small flower and put it on knitted headbands for my granddaughters and daughters. Just learned the butterfly, and would now love to have the heart pattern. Thank you so much for your beautiful blog. I have told many of my friends about your website (blog). I tried emailing you but I could not get your email to come up on my computer. My email address is panney22@gmail.com. Thanks again!
