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Monday, August 19, 2013

An Extremely Busy Weekend ..

Hello my dear friends,

it has been another very busy weekend for me. I had taken to my river bed again which was so needed. I hadn't worked on it in weeks (shame on me) and I am really hoping to get it completed some time soon but I must say that working on it is truly back-breaking and knee-hurting work!

Friday and Saturday were my outdoor working days and day 5 and 6 of my project. I normally am good when I give myself a limit and when the aching starts I stop, but not yesterday. I was determined to do double my set limit and it was such a strain in the end but I did it and now I have almost completed half of my project!

I started where I left off last time I worked outside ...

... and I am so glad that I mostly use a trowel when I dig otherwise I am sure the main
pipe from our underground sprinkler system would have been damaged when I unexpectedly unearthed it, but at least I know where it is now.

I can't believe how bad things have gotten ... apart from weeds I had to even dig up a few small trees that had started to grow between the rocks. This one made it really difficult for me to get it out but in the end it had to go.

I actually moved the bridge back into it's place on my own (never tell a girl she can't do something!) and was so happy with myself that I was able to do so because it has quite some weight to it.

After putting my gloves and garden tools down for the day ...

... I then went on to learn how to lay laminate flooring which my husband showed me the how to do, so my poor knees were not able to rest until later that evening.

Am I paying for it?... Yes, my back and knees were so sore that night. Sunday, the next day should have been a day of rest for me .... (remember I said should!) ... but it wasn't. I went on to helping my husband with laying more flooring in the basement and the first room is all done now by one piece of flooring which will be done tomorrow.

Then came a little me time ...

 I found half an hour or so to work on my Wynken, Blynken and Nod nest. It is still in the very early stages and I still haven't thought the complete design of it through yet. I just hope that these plain black 'bowls' will end up looking the way I see it in my mind. There are so many different ways I could do things ... gold speckled or guilded eggs, ... paper or fabric leaves, ... how many shades of blue to use? ... like I said so many decisions to make.

Today things are going to be a bit slower ... well, I think they might be. I will work more on my nest design, the basement will have to wait for a day and so will the backyard. There will be a visit to Michaels later on with my daughter Ashleigh to find some ribbon for her wedding favours and maybe a short stop at our Tim's for a coffee. After that my house chores are awaiting my attendance so I am sure I won't be bored.

It is so nice when you stop by here at Todolwen and visit me and I hope you do so soon again and until then ...

I hope you are well and life is treating you kind my dear friends.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B. 


  1. Oh My Word Karen...you make tired and sore just reading what all you've been doing. I HOPE you don't over do with all that you're trying to get done... you DO want to be able to stand upright at your daughter's wedding!!!!! Hopefully today will be a much lighter workload. Your rock path is looking really really nice. Yea... you get to work on the basement floor.

  2. Karen your rock bed is turning out amazing! It will be a treat to see it finished. My knees could never take that beating! Good for you Karen!

  3. Wonderful dry river bed! Wynken, Blynken and Nod Was a favorite when my children were young. I still read it every now and then. Good luck with your nest.
