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Thursday, June 6, 2013

Just Listed ... 'Cupboard Mouse' Tea Rose

Hello my dear friends,

today I would love to share another one of my 'Cupboard Mice' which is now listed in my Etsy shop.

This little critter is so cute ... sleeping on top of some nuts which are laying in a vintage little bone china bowl. The bowl was made in England and has a beautiful yellow Tea rose design.
And this is my little critter ...

So neat ..!
I am sure nobody would mind this little critter living in their cupboard ... maybe it could be your cupboard?! 
I hope you are well and life is treating you kind my dear friends.
Have a peaceful and creative day,
Karen B.


  1. He really does win your heart! Look how sweet and precious and the cup is beautiful! I love him!

  2. He's really a sweetheart, or is it a "she"???
    Lovely cup he/she is napping in.

  3. Que feliç se'l veu, dormint tan tranquil!
    Una abraçada

  4. He truly is a sweetheart Karen - such a cute little fellow.

  5. Just adorable,dear Karen:) Belated Birthday wishes.

  6. Thats really cute little mouse sleep in the cupboard and looks like old. Very gorgeous too.
