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Wednesday, February 16, 2011

A Few New Makings And My Little Shoes

Hello my dear friends,

I just wanted to show you a few more of my makings and a little treasure of mine.

First of all here are a few new pincushions I have made. They were made last year some time from little trinkets and cups that I picked up on one of my weekend trips here in Ontario.

This pincushion was made from an old tarnished eggcup that I found at a market.

And this one is made from an old baby cup. For the center of the flower I used an old boot button.

I found this "vessel" in a second hand store. I am not even sure what it is, but I loved it because it was different.

I also like to make other things - not just pincushions. This sheep started off as a primitive creature. Coffee stained and baked with an old piece of tattered quilt on her back. I liked it but .... it wasn't right so I transformed her!

I just love the way she looks now! But, she is missing one little thing ...

A name!

She has a name tag around her neck but as you can see ... no name. If any of you lovely ladies of blog land have a nice name for her - please, drop me a line and let me know.

And last but not least (I really like that saying) .... my little treasure.

A pair of Victorian children's shoes.

These were a gift to me from my ten year old daughter Caylagh. She knows how much I love old things, especially when they are "as is" - old and worn. Aren't they just beautiful? I often wonder, if it was a little girl or maybe a little boy that used to run and play in them? If only they could tell their story. I find it amazing that these little leather shoes are over 100 years old and they have survived all these years to find a home with me.

I will be sharing more of my treasures in future posts.
Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. What a sweet and very smart little 10 year old you have there:)I love your pin coushions and sheep. Pretty + functional = perfect.
    ~Debra xxx
    Capers of the vintage vixens

  2. Such gorgeous creations Karen!!! You KNOW I just love them all.....and those shoes....oh.my.goodness!!!! I would want to wear them around my neck on a string!!!!!! Your daughter knows you well my friend ~ hugs and love, Dawn

  3. The sheep is so adorable! Lol, she really does look like a Shirley to me.

  4. Oh sweetie. I LOVE it all.

    Adorable pincushions!!

    Sweet sheep. (not hit with any inspiration for a name, so will leave that to someone else)

    And love the little shoes your daughter gave you. That makes them even more special.

    blessings friend

    barbara jean

  5. I love the little shoes, just as they are. Your daughter gets you. How nice is that.
    I love the pincushions,,is the one, a desert goblet maybe...humm,,at any rate it is lovely.
    I have many primitive animals like the sheep in my storage, and have considered adding lace as well. fine minds think alike...right? lol
    I can't think of a name...something french?
    Happy Weekend!

  6. What a fun challenge!!....naming the sweet little sheep. Do you want to go with something rhymey or something same letter like Shirley Sheep or Emma Ewe. Biblical names are always good, England is known to have alot of sheep and since she looks to have some age to her maybe an old world English name. Maybe Sara or Evangeline. Maybe you'd like to go with something a bit whimsical. Rosie, Lily, Flossie, Blossom. Did you know that Bliss was a popular European name way back when....Bliss Ewe! HaHa OK I've carried on far too long. Can't wait to see what others come up with; and, of course, the final name reveal! Hugs
