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Sunday, November 10, 2013

It Is Time To Remember ..

Hello my dear friends,

not only today but every day we shall remember.


Today we shall remember,
today we pay our respects.
Today we remember and hopefully never forget,
all those who have gave their lives;
to protect and save so many others.
This day every November,
we will always stop to remember
and lest we ever forget.

The cap badge above is my husband's which he wore every day and the medals are his which he was awarded with for serving and protecting his and other countries for 24 years since he was 16 years old.
 So today were are not only remembering all those who have lost their lives for their countries but also those (and all of their families) who are still serving and protecting all of us.
Wishing you all a very peaceful day.
Many hugs,
Karen B.


  1. Karen what a lovely remembrance creation. The poppies are stunning and I was glad when I read how you made them in yesterday's post. Sermon today used military illustrations so that was on my mind when I read your post. Thank your husband for serving and thank you for supporting him so he could. Blessings, Pam

  2. Thank you to you and your husband! Lest we forget.

  3. Karen you bought back many memories for me of growing up in Toronto and honouring our fallen soldiers with poppy day. I remember in school putting our heads down on our desks and also how the streetcars would stop and everyone would honour the one minute of silence.

    We do not see many poppies down here but the fallen soldiers are hopefully never forgotten.

