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Thursday, March 7, 2013

Rose Mainia ..

Hello my dear friends,

I need to share something with all of you lovely bloggers ...

... something has taken a hold of me ...

... it is the 'rose mania'!

I can't believe how much fun it is making these beautiful flowers and I am trying to find ways to make do without buying new ribbon to be able to create different looks. I have actually taken to staining some seam binding. I used my oatmeal colored seam binding and placed it into coffee and then dried it to give it a very vintage look and it does look very old and stained but will it looked good as roses?  I will leave that up to you to decided once I am done.

I really like the way the coffee staining has given the seam binding a very old and aged look.
 I have also made a few more other roses ...

These roses I embroidered on a piece of plain muslin a few days ago with bark tan color seam binding ...

... and now I am already working on a new creation with it - I am not done with it just yet but I will be tomorrow and of course I will post it here on Todolwen.

Last but not least ...

Do you know how addictive seam binding can become?

I am not sure why, maybe because it comes in so many amazing colors or because you can use it in so many ways or maybe just because it is pretty. Remember me saying earlier in this post I was going to try and not buy any more right now ... well, that isn't working for me and I am getting ready to order some more of it in the next few days.

My friend Dawn, from The Feathered Nest, has actually the color charts from all the Hug Snug seam binding and ... I want a roll of each please! If you would like to take a look, here is the link so you can do so and whilst you are there enjoy all the beauty of Dawn's creations.


And finally ...

I am excited!.. Why?... I had sent some of my flutter~bys on their journey to Suzy in Australia a few weeks ago which have arrived and Suzy is planning to use some of them in the beautiful creations and I can't wait to see what she does with them.

If you don't know Suzy's work you should pop over to her blog and take a look at the beautiful things she creates ~ you will not be disappointed.

It would be so nice whenever you have a little time spare if you would come and visit me here again at Todolwen.

I hope you are well and life is treating you kind my dear friends.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.  


  1. Your roses with the pearls in the middle are beautiful. You are just so creative, and who would have ever thought seam binding could be so pretty!! Blessings and smiles, Emilou :-)

  2. Seam binding! wow! Looks just lovely and love the pearl accents-and adore the butterflies- I hope we get to see Suzy's completed creation too!

  3. Your roses are oh so lovely. I love roses, whether real or not. I've created quite a few in crochet. I enjoy making them. I need to learn how to make ribbon roses.

    Thank you for sharing your lovely creations and being the inspiration that you are.

    I'm sure Suzy will make something lovely with your sweet butterflies.


  4. Your seam binding roses are quite delightful, and I know you will make something totally gorgeous with them. Aaaah, seam binding, I would love to have one roll of each colour as well, wouldn't that be awesome? I treated myself to 12 rolls a couple of years ago and love love love the colours I picked. I use the stuff all the time. Oh, and Suzy will make something totally divine with your flutter-bys, no doubt about it.

  5. very beautiful.......what I great idea!!!
    so pretty

  6. Hi Karen, Your roses are beautiful and I'm sure the ones with the stained seam binding will look fabulous too.
    Suzy will create something delightful with your adorable butterflies, that's for sure.

  7. Good morning, Karen!
    I too was recently hit by "Rose Mania", and made some for a little crocheted bag using hand-dyed seam binding. I LOVE how these look! Have fun making more. :)
    ~ Zuzu

  8. Hello Karen.
    I love the way your roses look...great job as allways!
    Are you doing anything new for easter???


  9. Amazing Karen, your rose mania is so beautiful!!!

  10. This a beauty ook op mij blog prijkt een newe gr tanja

  11. I adore all that you create. I also adore Hug Snug seam binding. Your roses are fabulous. Suzy will totally rock your butterflies. Happy Hearts are Creative Hearts.

  12. YES I am addicted to Hug Snug seam binding!!! I have 40.. and still have some colors I want/need!!! I so love your roses, I can see why you can't stop making them. A perfect little embellishment for so many things. Look forward to what Suzy does with your flutter-bys.

  13. I love your little roses!! I think that stained ribbon will be great as roses.
    I love making my tea bag roses too, and end up with lots till some project comes along. =)


  14. Oh Karen...I so know how you feel about seam binding ~ and believe me, those color cards are SO worth the money because you can choose the shades you really want. Your roses are so beautiful and absolutely perfect for seam binding!!! Thank you so much for the link love dear friend and I can't wait to see what Suzi creates using your little treasures!!! hugs and love, Dawn
