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Tuesday, September 11, 2012

You Will Not Believe This...

Hello my dear friends,

you will not believe the story I am going to share with you today! I could have titled this post ... 'The Rescue Of The Hummingbird ~ Take 2'!

Yes, you did read correctly ... it has just been a week I think and it is almost like deja vu ... I am standing at my kitchen window washing my dishes and again I hear a thud at my dining room window and right away I think ... another poor bird hit the window again! I think it is the way the sun is shining ~ it reflects the trees more than ever this time of year.

To my surprise and shock what do you think I saw laying on the hard ground? .... a tiny green hummingbird AGAIN!! I am not sure if it was the same one from the last time and this time it looked really not too good. It's tiny wings were laying spread out wide from it's little body and the little head was on it's side. I was so very sad heading outside ... thinking of where I would find somewhere in our garden so it could rest there forever.

When I finally got to it I bent down to pick it up and .... it was still alive!! I was so full of joy but I kept it quietly inside myself not to scare the little feathered being. I wasn't sure if he was going to be OK or not because he was just laying in my hands and his little eyes kept closing very slowly. I had a feeling that it might not make it this time. I stood there very carefully cradling it in my hands, talking very quietly and softly and the little bird just sat there. After ten minutes I decided to move into the bright sun light thinking it might help and it did. Five minutes later the tiny being started to show signs of getting better. His head moved around trying to see where he was and suddenly he started to move his wings and ... was gone ~ but not too far. He sat on the top of our garage taking in all the warmth of the sun. I was so happy that for the second time all was well.

And ... again we were so very fortunate  to be able to take photos of this so sweet and precious little creature that I would love to share with you again.

The first thing I did the next morning was heading out to buy something to put onto my large dining room windows that will hopefully prevent little birds flying into the glass again. I would be so very sad if one day a bird would not survive this.
Right now here at Todolwen, well .. I am trying to work on a few new creations when ever I will get some time to do so. I was out in a Goodwill Store yesterday and found two items that... dare I say ... make me want to make another Wynken, Blynken and Nod creation. I don't know what it is I am just drawn to this in a way. I do have a few more ideas in my head but they will all need a bit more 'mind work' before I can even think of starting them. That's me ... and what have you been up to lately?? Let me know!!
I hope you are well and life is treating you kind.
Have a peaceful and creative day,
Karen B.


  1. Truly unbelievable Karen, and how fortunate for this little guys that you've been there to cradle them in love.
    Looking forward to seeing your next creation!

  2. I had a similar thing with a Hummer. It was a very young one and guess it couldn't find food to drink. It was laying on the ground when I spotted it. It was lifeless looking. I took it to my feeder and put its beak into the food. In just a few seconds it began to drink. Then all of a sudden it came to life and away it went. I have heard that when their body runs out of nourishment they go into a state of dormancy. Anyway I saved that little one, so tiny and cute.

  3. Awe, what a sweet story, Karen. Your photos are amazing.

    I love hummingbirds so much. While using our garden hose a hummingbird kept darting through the stream of water...so cute..he was taking a shower. I always think of hummingbirds as special visitors. They are so fun to watch.

  4. My goodness, again? I am so glad that you managed to save this beautiful little creature as well.
