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Saturday, July 30, 2011

No Time To Be Creative

Hello my dear friends,

I can't believe that is has been 7 days already since my last post and even worse I haven't been creating at all this past week and I have had almost  no time to read any of your wonderful blogs either! One of the reasons for this is that I am out and about a lot with my girls lately. The good thing about this is that I have found many new treasures. Another reason is that it is still so very hot and humid here and I just can't seem to get a clear thought at times about what to do. I have had a few new ideas and they are in my little "companion" tucked away until I get a chance to sit down and use them. Reason number 3 is that my craft room is in total chaos right now (you will see for yourself later in this post). I am reorganizing everything and as the saying goes "it will get worse before it gets better"! Well that is true in this case. I am hoping to be done in a day finally so I can get back into my room and create something new. My final reason for not being able to spend time creating is that I am planning how our backyard will be looking hopefully in the near future - we are going to be making big changes. I will post about this in the future some time when things have started.

I would like to share my newest treasures that I have gathered with you. I am already stocking up for the coming winter when there are no more garage sales or flea markets around to find anything old and neat. I am happy that I am at least able to do that at the moment.

These are my newest findings from the past week.

Vintage embroidery scissors - the ones on the right in the picture are called "button hole" scissors. They are really neat and I have never seen any like this before.

More crochet pansies!!

Lots of Monopoly pieces ...

... and these are my favourite - tiny cast shoes!!
( ... fairy shoes??)

Some beautiful tarnished pieces.

Look at this ... my friend gave this to me! A complete antique lock with door plates and heavy glass doorknobs!

I took it all apart and cleaned the pieces a little but not too much or they lose their character I find.

These doorknobs are just so wonderful!!

Many more Scrabble pieces - they can be used for so many things.

These were my last find of the week. They are old glass furniture coasters, you know the things you put under the legs of your heavy sofa or table so they don't mark your floors.

I have a few ideas for most of my new treasures already and I will share them with you lovely bloggers once they are created!

And last but not least ...

... remember my craft room? Well, see for yourself - total chaos!!

Everything is everywhere and nothing has a proper home right now.
Hopefully I will get this sorted this weekend and I can share the result with you in my next post!

I hope you are all well.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. Wow. And Wow. And Wow again.
    Give me 5 minutes in your craftroom and you will see....it will be proper.And almost empty;)

    Love Agnes

  2. great finds in this post and the one before it!!
    i had a season of not creating too, and glad to say I am now getting bits of things done. (more to show this week.)

    Regarding your craft room: Mine looks like that aaalll the time. And I'm not kidding!

    hugs and blessings
    barbara jean

  3. Oh I understand your problems with time and a chaos in the craft room :)
    Have a nice time Karen
    Hugs Alexandra

  4. I love the scissors.
    The elegance of the old days.

    Thanks for sharing
