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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

My 'Snow Show" ..

Hello my dear friends,

here are more of my photos from the past Winter, that were fortunate to receive 'falling snow' from Google and since we have absolutely no snow here at all at this moment in time, I am so happy I have these to look at!

My backyard in a deep blanket of snow.

This was taken at the creek that runs through the park down the road. 

This photo was one that I took after driving past this large pond, going back home and returning with my camera to capture the beauty of the time of the year.

My lovely blue spruce in our front yard.

This was taken on a walk when it was frightfully cold outside, again in the park down the road from our house.

Icicles had formed and decorated a fir tree that I saw whilst out and about.

This photo was taken on a Winter's night last Winter. It was just so beautiful!

And that is my little 'Snow Show' for today. I hope you have enjoyed it?!

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.


  1. So pretty. But I'm glad it doesn't come this far south (Texas). It looks way too cold for me.

  2. All the photos look so magical, a real winter wonderland. Love the falling snow effect.

  3. I love the pictures especially the one with your wee tree and the ducks, thank you. Can I ask how you made it snow in your photos? That's really clever.

  4. Makes me want to come and visit and strap on my cross-country skiis and have a good time. Will hot chocolate await???


  5. Oh! Wir warten auch auf Schnee!

  6. brrrrr - pretty, but I'm not a winter person so I'd be just a little bit happier if that were raindrops falling on spring flowers

  7. I just can't understand the girls who don't like snow and cold. I thrive in it, and if I were to get this kind of showy weather in my back yard, I would consider it a blessing and show it off too! Thank you Karen this was a real treat.

  8. What a wonderful snow show, Karen!
    I like to have a look, but I don't need snow here at home at all.
    My way to work is nearly 50km by car and you can imagine how much longer it takes, if the weather is bad.

    Hugs Ines♥

  9. I love your snow show! The snow is so heavy. No snow here in southeastern North Carolina yet, and none is expected! I can live with that. The pictures I see make me cold enough! The ducks near the creek are funny! Thank you for sharing your bit of winter with me!
