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Friday, December 6, 2013

Lately ..

Hello my dear friends,

it's been crazy! With everything that has been going on these past weeks I have fallen behind with a lot of things right now. Not only did I almost loose Todolwen completely and unfortunately I did loose all my loved followers (which knocked me quite sideways) but especially my dear friend Heike being injured in a terrible accident has been on my mind non-stop too. On top of that ... our basement (the renovation of it last year) ... I don't even want to think about it, but we have hair line cracks on many of the joints of the drywalls now in all of the rooms. We have had repairs done already months ago and more than once and also painted the basement rooms twice and now this! More dust and workers in the house again right now and all this just before Christmas! I am so annoyed about this! Things just seem to not want to go right for some reason. 
For this Christmas season I had been planning on making three more music boxes but I only completed one more so far. I am going to set some time aside this week hopefully to get the last two of them made. My felted poinsettia creations are still on my worktable and haven't been touched in weeks just like so many other Christmas creations I had planned for this year and I haven't even been able to start them yet. I am just going to have to wait and see what will happen next or what is next on my to~do list. Maybe there will be a little spare time for me to create before Christmas.

Before all of this happened I did make a beautiful poinsettia from music sheets which I will share with you in the next week some time. I also have new photos I took from our backyard to share with you from about 2 weeks ago when Winter suddenly arrived over night here in SW Ontario.

Finally I would like to thank all my blogland friends that I had contacted and asked for help spread the word about where to find me again. You were all so kind and sweet doing so and I appreciate it so much. I hope that many of my old follower will find me soon again (I miss you) and maybe even a few new ones too!

It would be so nice for you to visit me sometime soon again here at Todolwen.

I hope you are well and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. Oh Karen, I can feel with you. We get a new heating for our House 2 month ago. After the old one was not working well any more after 28 years. Hope everything will be good and you will have a wonderful christmas time.

    Hugs from Germany

  2. Good Morning Karen, I think you sent us some of your cold air. We didn't get the snow or ice that they were predicting, but I must remember it is December. Other then visiting the nursing home to see my hubby, I have no reason to be out in it. He understands if I don't come 50 years does that for you which was this past October. I understand what you are going through and here at the holidays. Have a wonderful day. Hugs and Prayers from a Missouri Friend.

  3. You certainly have a lot going on.. and I don't think I could be very creative with everything that's on your mind. I'm so sorry that you've had so many things go wrong with your basement work. That's got to be terribly frustrating. Just do only what you have to do and maybe the new year will give you a chance to catch up and less frustrations to deal with. Hugs from Idaho. (We're COLD, but not much snow!)

  4. So sorry for the problems in your basement, hope that there is not too much mess while they repair it for you. And hope that your friend makes a full recovery from her accident as well. Found your lovely blog through Mary Ann and so glad I did, Deb

  5. The Sun will come out tomorrow! Well, that's what they say....... So always look on the bright side, it'll spread and cover all sides LOL!
    I do hope things are more settled for you.
    Hugs from over the 'pond' xxx

  6. Oh my I'm sorry about all the mess with your basement and your friend Heike!! (we named our little dachshund Heike after an old friend I had as a child in Germany!!) I hope that all is well with her and everything goes well with your basement and you can get back into a normal routine! I know how hard that is!! take care of yourself and wishing you a delightful holiday time!! I too am way way behind and am knitting and arting as fast as I can to finish gifts!! hope that I make it hehehe!! maybe one day will even get my blog too up and running and my etsy shop!! so take it one day at a time it will all work out I know!! and I'm happy I found you back again and get your blog sent to me in my emails!! that makes me happy!! xoxo
