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Wednesday, December 11, 2013

For The Love Of Poinsettias ..

Hello my dear friends,

I am trying to work on a few new Christmas ideas and creations these days ~ one of them being my felted wool blanket poinsettia, which I hate to say is still not completed because some things just take longer until they are perfectly right.

I love Poinsettias so very much and they are such beautiful flowers but since we have cats at home and poinsettias are very dangerous for them, I can't have the 'real thing' in our house anymore and that's a little sad but that's the way it is.

I was a little tiered a few days ago just sitting at my dining table and looking at the glum and gray wet weather outside when I thought that I should create my own Christmas flowers.
 How? .. I wasn't really sure at first but after thinking for a little while it came to me. At the beginning, as almost always, there were a few little hurdles that I had to overcome whilst working on the idea but in the end again everything came together!
My studio had everything that I needed, so I had no need to buy anything ... vintage music sheets, wire, antique mercury glass beads and a dash of glitter amongst the other bits and pieces you need when crafting.

It took me a day or so ~ because of the time to dry the glue ~ but then my first one was done and it looked so beautiful!
And here is ...
...my Christmas poinsettia.



Can you tell that I really like the way this creation turned out ... I took so many photos I just couldn't decide which one's to post ... so I used all!

My poinsettia turned out larger than I thought it would at first ~ it is actually slightly larger than dinner plate size!

An here some interesting things something I read about the poinsettia and Christmas ...
 The plant's association with Christmas began in 16th century Mexico, where legend tells of a young girl who was too poor to provide a gift for the celebration of Jesus's birthday. The tale goes that the child was inspired by an angel to gather weeds from the roadside and place them in front of the church altar. Crimson "blossoms" sprouted from the weeds and became beautiful poinsettias.

 The poinsettia derives its common English name from Joel Roberts Poinsett the first United States Minister to Mexico who introduced the plant into the United States in 1825 and in Germany the poinsettia is called 'Weihnachtsstern' which means Christmas star ~ isn't that lovely?!

You can read more about the poinsettia on Wikipedia if you like to know more about it.

I know that this isn't my one and only Christmas star I am going to make ... I am already thinking of how I could give it different looks but that will be for a future post.

Thank you for stopping by and visiting me here at Todolwen ~ it is always so nice when you do.

I hope you are well and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.



  1. WOW You're poinsettia is stunning. I just love the vintage music you've used. I'm with you, I just love the way it turned out... another amazing creation Karen.

  2. Zowie is that one GORGEOUS poinsettia, I love the way the music look and the glittery edges gives it such a vintage look!!!

  3. Wow Karen this Vintage looking Poinsettia is just stunning! I can feel how happy you are with the result and so you should be too! It has such a beautiful shape!
    Thank you also for sharing the video highlights of Ashleigh and Ryan's wedding It is so gorgeous! and the memories can be brought to life over and over whilst viewing this. Enjoy!


  4. Oh no! another creation to add to my list of to do makes! LOL!
    It is fantastic and the really good thing is, it doesn't need any special aftercare like watering carefully, keeping out of drafts etc.
    You are so clever and inspirational! Now........where are my vintage music sheets....?

  5. What a beautiful poinsettia. You did an amazing job on this.

  6. Oh Karen!! You are such an inspiration!! These are absolutely stunning. You come up with some of the best projects on the web!!!! Merry Christmas my friend!!

  7. Dear Karen, your sheet music poinsettia is beautiful! It adds the perfect touch to your wreath.

  8. How lovely it turned out! Great for a family with cats.

    Greetings from Germany

  9. You dreamed this up at your dining room table??? Must be magic in your cooking Karen!
    This poinsettia is truly magical - I've never seen one at all like it - and I love the size of it. Dramatically beautiful!

  10. Oh my! Your poinsettia is stunning! Wouldn't it be gorgeous to have them on a Christmas tree? Thank you for sharing your beautiful creation.

    1. I was thinking the same thing, I love any kind of flowers

  11. Hi! I am enjoying your blog so much. These are stunning as with the rest of your blog.
    I just wanted to let you know that I did some research on poinsettias (because I have 3 fur babies too) and I read that although they are poisonous to cats, it only causes upset tummy and things of that nature and that they are not deadly. I just want you to be able to enjoy those beautiful plants again but, you can do some research on it, the myth actually started when a child died from an accidental poisoning and they thought that might be the reason but it wasn't that either. And from then on, they earned a bad reputation. Just thought you might be interested in knowing that. Thank you for all the beautiful tutorials!

  12. Your poinsettia is Beautiful. Any chance your going to do a tutorial??

  13. Hello Karen, I was checking things out on pinterest and was stunned by your pointsetta.
    It is simply awesome. Not eveerything stops me the way this beeauty did. I would siply love to know how to make one of my own. I am signing up to follow your blog I really love your work its stunning. Keep up the beautiful work. I Wish you a very Merry Christmas

  14. I absolutely love this creation!!!! I'm an amateur musician, so that makes it even more special!!!! Do you plan to post a step by step video on how to do this? Merry, Merry, Merry CHRISTmas 2014 & Happy, Happy, Happy New Year 2015!!!!

  15. Tutorial Pleeeease!

    1. There already is a tutorial. It is available in my Etsy shop. Go to my right side bar and click on my Etsy shop link and it will take you there.
      Karen B.

  16. Very nice, do you have a tutorial about it and pattern? Thank you

    1. Hi there! There is a tutorial on how to make my poinsettias. You will be able to find it in my etsy shop.
      Have a nice day.
      Karen B.
