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Saturday, January 14, 2012

Fairylights And Snow

Hello my dear friends,

in England Christmas lights and light chains overall are called fairy lights and I really do think that is such a neat name to call them because at times they really do have something fairy like about them.

I particularly love the way snow can make  almost any place look magical and enchanted. Add lights to that and perfect. It seems that we had winter for only just about one week so far. It didn't snow at Christmas at all and then suddenly about a week ago we were hit by a winter storm which finally brought us the beautiful whiteness. Unfortunately it didn't last very long. I just managed to get a few pictures and it was already gone again.

 Snow and colorful lights are like cookies and cream, apple pie and ice cream ~ they just go together.

These are my two deer that stood on my deck in the backyard this Christmas.  The right deer was may Christmas present from my daughters last year but unfortunately his lights decided not to work after a while but he still looks lovely in the snow.

This was on the evening when it had started to snow ...

... and this is how beautiful it looked in the morning!

                                  My side gate before I had to clear all the white beauty.

Just love, love, love snow!

Right now everything is back to green and brown here but we might still get a bit of winter weather the end of the month ~ we will just have to wait and see. My snow blower is ready and waiting so I am not too worried.

I hope you are all well and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. So lovely.When there is snow, you cannot hear the noise of the traffic.Just silence.So pure.
    Though i love white lights, your pictures are wonderful.
    Here it seems like spring and i miss the real winter , ice or snow.
    But as long as we are healthy, ok...
    Thank you for the beautiful pictures.

  2. Wow, those shots are amazing! I live in Phoenix AZ, so I've never had snow before ;)

    Diary of a Beautiful Soul

  3. Gorgeous snow pics! We haven't had any snow here in our part of the UK yet ( Channel coast ), I am just waiting for when its going to hit us with a vengeance. Bound to happen when we least expect it.

  4. Your photos are so beautiful...I live in Houston TX and I haven't seen beautiful snow like that for over 13 years. Thank you so much for sharing. The colored lights against the snow on your little tree are just so lovely.
