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Sunday, October 18, 2020

A Little Something In Brass ...

 Hello my dear friends,

I am really trying to keep busy and create these days and so far I am doing OK I think. 

I am not making something new every single day but for sure more than I have been in the past and today I am sharing one of my newest pieces with you. It is a neat sewing tray and pincushion that I made from a small brass tray, a vintage chalis and a beautiful dragonfly embellishment that I just had to buy on one of my visits to Hobby Lobby (which I realy miss going to). It was almost like they were meant to be together once I turned them from individual pieces into my newest creation. They harmonized so nicely with eachother. 

Here it is! I named it simply ...

"Peaceful Morning"

I hope you have enjoyed my newest creation, it was so much fun to make.

This piece and several others will be listed for sale in my Etsy shop very soon. I will let you know here on Todolwen when they will be available a day or two before so if you are interested in something, keep an eye out for that post.

Thank you so much for taking the time to visit me today and I hope you have enjoyed your short stay.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful, safe and creative day.


  1. I enjoy the gentle touches in all your creations. This little tray held a candle snuffer. I inherited mine from my mother.
