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Friday, January 12, 2018

A Little Gift To Give ...

Hello my dear friends,

today I am sharing another little gift I made this Christmas time.

Before I became unwell at the beginning of December, I had started to work on a creation that I was going to gift to a lovely lady. She had a very heartbreaking year and all I wanted to do was to put a tiny smile in her heart this Christmas. She had read one of my posts about my little Christmas boxes and she told me how she liked them. Reading that and knowing what had happened, I just had to make her one. I made it a little bit different than my first ones but never the less, just as lovely.

And this is the little box ...

All wrapped up and paper snowflakes scattered over it, it went on it's way. Karen, the recipient of my gift, had no idea that I had done this for her.  There is just something about receiving something in the mail that you didn't expect. A card with kind words or a little gift from someone that has just thought of you just because. It is just so ... nice! I am so touched whenever I receive the mail from someone that thought of me and I love to give others the same feeling.

 I am happy to say that my gift arrived before Christmas Day and Karen loved my little surprise very much and that is all that counts for me. It put a little smile in her heart, just as I hoped it would. 

I still have a lot to catch up with when it comes to sharing what I have been up to with all of you Lovelies. I am hopefully going to share one of my newest creations in the next few days. So if you  have a little time on hand why not visit me here again at Todolwen and see what I have been up too.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.


  1. Another beautiful creation. I am sure she loved it...who wouldn't.

  2. apreciada Karen, mis mejores deseos para usted y su familia en este nuevo año que comienza, me encanta sus cajas, tambien adoro preparar cajas de diferentes tamaños.
    reciba mi cariño desde mi corazon en cristo jesús
    desde hace muchosimo tiempo la sigo a traves de su blog que es maravilloso

  3. Dear Karen,
    It was such a touching and kind gesture~ At a time when my life
    has been through much pain and heart-break. To find your surprise
    in the mail was such a delight and did my heart much good, yes!
    Thank you from the bottom of my heart.
    If our friends could only see the details as closely as I can : )
    The tiny houses and teeny frosted tree; against the elegant black back drop . . sigh, so beautiful and peaceful too~
    Luv and hugs to you dear friend~
    Karen O

  4. What a lovely surprise you created!!!

  5. Karen ... sooooooooooooo glad you are well again and feeling up to creating. What a lovely surprise for your friend - doesn't it feel GOOD to surprise somebody with something from the heart? I love it.

    Happy New Year with lots of good health thrown in.

  6. Hi Karen,
    What a sweet and pretty gift. You are truly an angel and you gift the prettiest creations. I think kindness like you have shown is the best gift we can give. I am so happy you are beginning to feel better and want to get your creative juices going. Happy Weekend.

  7. A wonderful gift! You are an amazing artist Karen!

    Hugs Ines♥

  8. What a wonderful gift you had made. You have such a great heart. Wish you good health and joy.
    Hugs from Lina
