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Friday, October 28, 2011

These Past Weeks

Hello my dear friends,

it has been a little while since I have had time to work on my blog. I hope life is slowly calming down for me which would be so very nice since I have been feeling the strain lately. The running around with our outdoor project, my Mom very sick in hospital and my younger daughter's fracture and on top of the all the other normal things in life were getting too much for me at one point. I fell sick over Thanksgiving with being so exhausted that I stayed in bed for almost two full days.  I am better now and I am even getting a bit of creating time in between chores lately.

I have restarted a "old" project which I had been working on and then gave up and my friend the sweet Dawn from the Feathered Nest was the driving point there for me to restart it. I am hoping it will not take too much time to create it and that I will be able to finish it they way I see it in my mind. I am not going to tell you what it is just yet. Actually I have had several new ideas that are now waiting patiently in my little companion (my wee idea booklet) for me to start working on some time soon.

I did have a few hours to myself a few weekends ago so I visited a few of this years last church sales and found many treasures that will help keep me busy once the cold weather starts and the beautiful snow is back. I find there is something very special about sitting at my table looking out the window into my back yard and watching the first glistening snowflakes fall to earth. It's like magic!!

But now I would like to share my new treasures with you ...

 a few vintage doilies ...

 an old strainer/egg cooker (well that's what they told me it was!) and a vintage jelly form ...

 a few vintage pieces of jewellery and sparkling buttons ...

 a wee old tin and cardboard "tin" filled with little bits and pieces ...

 a small vintage globe ...

 a little box filled with these lovely small prints of maps ...

and finally a little silver tray, a silver handle or knife stand and a silver and glass candy dish. I am sure they will all come in handy for a project in the future.

Also a short update for you on our outdoor project ...

our pool is now closed for the year. Unfortunately we never got to use it once this summer but I hope that next summer will be a good one. I did manage to get our new lawn done before it got too wet and cold. Unfortunately I hate to say that there were so many problems with some of the companies that we had hired that I will think twice about any larger projects in the future.

And last but not least ...

... I took my 11 year old daughter Caylagh to see Selena Gomez a few days ago here in London and it was just fantastic!! Selena was sick on the night but she still gave a great performance which I am sure my daughter will never forget!

I hope it won't take me weeks to be able to share something new with you all again but please, do stop by once in a while!

I hope you are all well and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. Karen, the finds are wonderful! It's so nice that you had a little bit of time for yourself to unwind.
    Sending you hugs!

  2. It is so good to hear from you again. It is sad that life has not been treating you very well lately, but I am glad that you are sounding a little happier and that you are crafting again. You did find some gorgeous things, I have to say. I particularly like the carnival glass plate, it is something I collect as well. And the silver handle is almost identical to one I saw at a bootfair a couple of weeks ago, but sadly didn't buy. I was told it was a handle from an old soup tureen. I hope you will post pictures of your still secret project very soon, I am nosy, lol.
    Take care of yourself, xx

  3. Hello, I just found your blog, and have been catching up on all your posts. It's so lovely, and your work is so inspiring. I've got you bookmarked now! My prayers for your family's health...
