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Wednesday, October 12, 2011

My Witch Hat Creations ~ Part 2

Hello my dear friends,

as promised I would like to share the second part of my witch hat creations with you today and again I will let my pictures speak for themselves because I did all the explaining in my last post. Even though this is a black hat it doesn't mean that it belongs to a "bad" witch. Mabel is just like Florence ~ kind, caring and loving.

This hat belongs to Mabel ~ the Witch of Shadows.

Again I hope you have enjoyed my latest creation! Please keep stopping by from time to time to see if I have something new to share with you.

I hope you are well and that life is treating you well also.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. Oh, I DO so like both of your good witch's hats. As with all of your creations, just oozing with all kinds of yummy details! I love coming here for inspiration. Have a wonderful day, Hugs,

  2. Love the Light and Shadow Witch idea! Very classy. They just turned out beautifully. Connie

  3. This Witch Hat creation is absolutely fabulous. I love all the details you have put into this. Mabel is a very lucky witch to have such a grand hat to wear. Wonderful Wednesday to you...

  4. Yes, this is definitely the Witch of The Night! But still a good witch!

    Hugs, Diane

  5. These hats are brilliant! You have a wonderful blog and a fantastic eye for detail.

  6. I ADORE your hats....I wish I had seen the photograph for inspiration when I painted this picture a couple of weeks ago. Your photographs and art creations are wonderful. So glad to have found your blog through Pinterest. Here's a link to my painting..also of witches' hats: http://2artsy.blogspot.com/ Scroll down to the second painting. Best of luck to you in all your artistic endeavors.
