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Friday, December 4, 2015

Last Minute ..

Hello my dear friends,

this year, it has for some reason been hard for me to get focused and to get things done in a timely matter and also on time. I had so much planned that I wanted to do and only got a small part of it actually done. Now it is 'five to twelve' and I need to get my skates on and work fast. I hate last minute things so much but I have only myself to blame for this.

On my to-do list I still have gifts to make, Christmas cards to write and other creative jobs. One of them is sanding a small table and finally giving it a new top and to top my list off , I want to sand our basement stairs down and that in the coming two weeks. Thankfully I am almost done with all my Christmas shopping and almost everything is wrapped already. Being very productive is my priority this week and my work table and palm sander are already waiting for me.

Of course this is when you don't want things to go wrong or not turn out they way you want them too but that is what happened to me. I had started a project and wasn't happy with the way it looked and instead of placing it aside, I continued to try to make it work and ended up irritated. Once I finally put it aside and started from fresh ... I had the perfect idea on how to change what I didn't like and now I am very pleased with the outcome of what I made. That will be something I am going to share with you very soon. Of course there is a lot more that I would like to create, will I get any of it done?... You and I will have to wait if it happens.

I will leave to today with some photographs I had taken. Some of them are older ones and I can't remember if I have already shared them or not and some are from a week or so ago. All of them are from around our property and I hope you enjoy them.

These pictures I took last winter but forgot to share with you. Do you just  love the little rabbit and squirrel?

And these photos are from a week or so ago.

I bought new Christmas lights and some of them were for our deck. It looks so lovely when it is dark outside now.

We even had a little snow over night about a week ago.

Can you see all the snowflakes falling?

It snowed quite intense but it didn't last long. The following day after it already started to melt away.

And then after the snow ...

... came the frost and it kissed everything in it's way and made it just look so lovely.

I know you can't see it but this little rose is actually frozen and hard to the touch.

My little rosebush is determent to bloom as long as possible this year ...

... as you can see by the buds still growing.

And last but not least ...

... Winter sunshine in my studio ~I just love the the morning sun.
The left plant belonged to my Mum and the right poinsettia was a gift from my neighbour last year Christmas. It is still growing but there are no bright red flowers this year by the look of it but that is OK, I still love it.

Thank you for stopping by and taking the time to visit me here at Todolwen. It is always so nice when you do. Do come back soon, I will have some new creations to share with you.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.


  1. Beautiful photos! Times been going to fast for me too! I had so many plans for Christmas gifts I was going to make for family, things I wanted to make for my Etsy shop, home decor ideas for the holidays..... and now I feel like most of it just isn't going to happen... lol Every year I say I'm going to start super early but it never happens........ lol

  2. Procrastination !! So easy to do !!! Me, too.

  3. Pointsettia needs COMPLETE darkness for at least 14 hours during 8 to 12 weeks if you want flowers for Christmas. I cover my pointsettia with a (big....) box and mine is flowering every Christmas since years. Your poinsettia will never flower again in your studio: too much light, too high temperature.. And ... flowers aren't the red leaves - flowers are the little red balls in the middle of these.
    Ich wünsche Ihnen eine schöne Adventszeit - Christa

  4. Ahhhh how good I know what you are talking about. I have no christmas card ready and no gift wrapped and I am lost....but... who cares? Maybe something comes a little bit late, but I can not turn me in 2 pieces :-)!

    Your photos are all sooooo amazing. Love the rabbit an dthe squirrel so much!

    Hugs Ines♥

  5. Schnee! Wie schön. Hier ist er wieder weg....

  6. For some reason December is the fastest month. Still many projects to complete and for some reason I still keep coming up more new ideas. But I am working on enjoying advent the coming of the greatest gift to the world and keeping a right perspective on what is important. Enjoy the month!

  7. I really do hesitate to say it, but my Christmas creations are actually done and most of them wrapped. I learned many years ago that I had better be pretty much 'ready' by Dec 1st or I was going to be beyond stressed as I tried to make gifts in time to hand them over during all the social things that happen throughout December. That part may be done, but there's been no decorating. Yet.
