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Wednesday, January 8, 2014

A New Problem ..

Hello my dear friends,

I am getting the feeling that I am just not meant to blog at this moment in time.

Now I have a new problem! ... Blogger won't let me upload photos to my posts!

I am not sure if any of you lovelies is having the same problem ...which is that I will upload a photo and it shows up in the new window but when  I click 'select'  nothing happens apart from blogger freezing on me and the only way to get out of it is to refresh the page and this is going on since early yesterday morning. This is so annoying!! I am sitting here with posts ready waiting for photos so I can share them you and I can't get it done. 

Is any of you lovely bloggers out there in blogland having this problem?

Hopefully I will be able to get this sorted very soon so do stop by once in a while to see if I am sharing again.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.

Karen B.


  1. oh my...indeed your patience has ben more than "tested" regarding blogger issues. grrrr....yes..this happened to me last year. it "fixed" itself in a coupe of days. don't know what else to say. hopefully it will do the same for you.

  2. It happens to me from time to time, too. At first I thought it was me doing something wrong but I think, now, they just have bugs in their system occasionally.

  3. I now log in to Google Chrome and that allows me to upload photos as, I had the same problem last year. A friendly Blogger suggested it and it worked straightaway!
    If I do a post without photos, I do it on another server.
    Hope this helps? Good luck!
    Sandie xxx

  4. I'm not having problems loading pictures but I am getting all kinds of error messages today. I've been kicked out a few times and I'm getting blank screens and then it times itself out. It even told me that I wasn't signed in and I was. I was trying to leave a comment on another blog and it wouldn't let me until I signed out and signed in. Very annoying. I can only assume that they are doing some kind of upgrade at the moment. They did one a year ago that caused lots of problems for other bloggers.

  5. No problems here. Yet. I hope all returns to normal quickly.

  6. Hello Karen,
    a German creative friend of mine has the same problem.
    Seams to me as a problem from blogger.
    Stay calm, we all will wait for your new lovely, creative designs.

    Hugs from Germany
    Ines ♥

  7. I'm experiencing the same problem too :-( Thought it was because I hadn't blogged in a while. Got my mojo back and now this happens. Hope it resolves itself quickly :-)
