Sunday, October 1, 2017

Decorating For The Fall ~ My Newest Pumpkins ...

Hello my dear friends,

I have recently harvested" my newest pumpkins that I would love to share with all of you today!

 I had made some last year using my favorite drop cloth. Those pumpkins were a little elegant with vintage sparkles with leaves made from sari silk and the stems made from a tarnished and old piece of cutlery. Each one was embellished with a piece of sparkle and some old lace and looked ever so lovely in my eyes.

And these are those pumpkins ...

This year's pumpkin are a little different.

 This time I choose to work with some very lovely fabrics that my daughter Caylagh had seen in a fabric store I like to visit. She had picked three different types of fabric in very nice shades of  orange and they were just beyond perfect be made into pumpkins. Overall though I stayed with the design of my last year's pumpkins. A stalk made from an old cutlery handle and of course seam binding, sari silk ribbon and vintage lace were a must as well. The final touch for the Autumn fruit came in the shape of vintage crystals for two and an old key for one of them. My newest pumpkins are all ready for the season of Fall.

And here are my newest pumpkins ...

... "Autumn Trio".



I think they might live on the bank of drawers ...

... in our living room for a little while, I am not sure just yet.

 I am still keep busy working on a few more Fall decorating pieces but I am also thinking of maybe making a set of my "Autumn Trio" if I get around to it for my Etsy shop. If you are wanting a set, you can contact me direct via email or my Etsy shop for a custom order. Just drop me a line for more information.

It is so nice that you decided to drop by today and visit me here at Todolwen. It is always so nice when you do.

I hope you are my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.


  1. These are so elegant looking Karen! Beautiful in Autumnal shades!

  2. Who knew orange could be elegant??? So pretty.

  3. Beautiful Karen. Love that you use the silver for the stems. Love love!

  4. The most delicious pumpkins that never grew in a garden patch! love your style!

  5. Beautiful....Such an inspiration
