Friday, September 25, 2015

Something New This Year ..

Hello my dear friends,

this year I am going to try something new to me and Todolwen.

Do you remember my poinsettia Christmas stocking that I made from a felted woolen blanked last year? 

 I am working on a tutorial for it right now and once completed you will be able to find it in my Etsy shop but that isn't the new thing though.

The new thing is, that I am also going to put a kit together for this stocking. In this kit you will find almost everything that you will need to create my poinsettia Christmas stocking.

 It will have enough of the felted wool blanket to make the stocking and the poinsettia for it. You will also receive the embroidery floss, sewing thread, pearls, embroidery and sewing needle, crochet hook, seam binding and of course the tutorial which will be e-mailed to you.

All you would need to supply would be a glue stick, scissors, a pencil or quilter's marker and some cardboard for the templates and your time of course. I am hoping to have a few different subtle colors available like the one above if everything works out right.

So what do you think?
I would love to hear your thoughts on this.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.


  1. I am sure your audience is very interested in such a beautiful kit!
    What a good idea!

    Hugs Ines♥

  2. Your stocking is beautiful Karen. Your poinsettia is gorgeous! I really like the color and the wool gives it such a charming old fashioned appearance. Kits are always so helpful to those who may not have the needed materials for such a lovely project. I hope your idea is a great success. Best wishes for your weekend.


  3. karen buen dia que alegria saber que presentara proyectos para navidad,. estare pendiente de su blog
    saludos cari;osos

  4. Be still my heart ... this is adorable.


  5. Great idea I think. I love this little stocking - it looks like it's for a ballerina dancing on her tippy toes.

  6. I think a kit is a brilliant idea Karen - not everyone has access to all those lovely bits (having lived in a remote community myself for most of my life - I can attest to that!). Being able to make your lovely stocking, with your materials is going to have a great appeal for many... good luck with your new venture!
