Thursday, March 26, 2015

I Am So Excited ...

Hello my dear friends,

I am so excited that I can share this with all you lovely bloggers finally.

Remember this ... my hymnal page feather? Of course you do!

A few months ago I was approached by a dutch magazine called 'Ariadne at Home'. They told me that they were working on an issue of their 'Brocante Special' magazine that included creating with old paper, book pages and music sheets and that they had seen my hymnal page feather and would like to feature it in their upcoming issue and ... now they have! 

Not only that but my feather made it onto the front cover of the magazine!
 WOW ...  I am so excited about this!

Here is a little sneak peek of the cover, since the magazine itself isn't out just yet.
 That will happen next month in the Netherlands.

(photograph courtesy of Ariadne at Home)

Do you see it?! ... Right there in the bottom left corner ~ my hymnal page feather!

Did I mention that I am so excited already? (I think it's the third time already)
This is so neat and I am so buzzed about it and I can't wait to get my issue in the mail so I can share more with all of you lovely bloggers. Right now you will all have to wait with me though if you would like to know more which makes it a little nicer for me since I am not on my own doing so.

Thank you so much for everything ~ your sweet comments and support and for always visiting me. Without you Todolwen wouldn't be what it is.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.


  1. What an honor Karen! Congratulations..You deserve it. Your creativity is lovely, unique and inspiring! I can hardly wait to hear more about it. Best wishes for a lovely weekend..<3

  2. I'm sure you must be over the moon with excitement, knowing you are being featured in a Dutch magazine, I know I would be, I remember seeing your tutorial for the feather when I had found my old book of German music. I feel happy for you. Congratulations.

  3. Congratulations! I'm so excited for you and must say I know how it feels to be on a magazine cover (altho' mine wasn't on quite so grande scale as this magazine). I'm still recovering, so I know the excitement will last a long time for you.

  4. Karen - how exciting for you! Congratulations!!

  5. How thrilling.. and THEY came TO YOU..even better. Congratulations Karen.. well deserved attention.

  6. That's wonderful ... and well-deserved!

  7. How wonderful! You are a very special artist, and they saw that, too. What an honor. I always wish you the best!

  8. Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh... I am veeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeery happy for you!
    Great Karen!

    Hugs Ines♥

  9. BRAVO, so deserved. It couldn't happened to a nicer person. :))))

  10. Today Holland, tomorrow the World! Congratulations Karen! xxx

  11. Wow, I'm so excited for you! I love those feathers and have made several that are throughout my home. I'm wondering if we will be able to order that magazine in the US? Or could we order it through you?

  12. Hi Karen,
    That is so great !! You know I live in the Netherlands and have a subscription for Ariadne at Home for years now and it's so exciting to see your work there. The Ariadne Brocante is a separate magazine, so tomorrow I have to rush to the shop and buy it !
    Did they sent you a translation ? If not, may be I can try to do a translation for you.( that is....if I'm not too late :).
    Anyway.........I'm so happy for you ! Congratulations Karen !!

    Blessings to you,

    Wilma. Shabby Royale.

  13. I really loved your feather when I first saw it and am delighted your talent has been recognized . Is the magazine published in the Uk, do you know? Enjoy the publication - get it framed!

  14. how awesome is that. di@cottage wishes

  15. !!! So wonderful...congrats!!!

  16. Karen-- this is the most wonderful honor for you!! (And so well deserved!!) I'm so happy that your beautiful feather creation has made it to the front cover-- it looks so beautiful there!! You really should frame that cover along with one of your feathers!!

  17. How wonderful for you. Love your beautiful feather creation. Congratulations on the magazine.

  18. I am not surprised they are so Beautiful, I love seeing all the wonders you create!!! Congratulations.

  19. Just one great big huge CONGRATULATIONS to you. What a special thing to happen to you. Perfect. Love. Every good word combined. I'm proud of you. Oh - and that feather is pretty doggone cute, too. Way to go.


  20. Congratulations!!! That is just wonderful!

  21. HOORAY Karen.....what a lovely happening!! I bet you just can't stop smiling!
