Monday, December 9, 2013

It Doesn't Take Much ~ A Little How~To ..

Hello my dear friends,

today I would like to share how you can use a few things to turn a bought box card into a lovely  Christmas card with your personal touch.

I must admit that I am not a card making person really but I do like to send nice cards and I would love to create my own cards one year for this most wonderful season. This year unfortunately won't be the year in which it will happen because there is just too much going on in my life right now.

I am sure a lot of you are like me and shop after Christmas for things that can be used the next year including Christmas cards by the box.

( The photos are not out of focus ... it is the design of the card.)
Last year I found a box of very lovely cards for very little money. I just wanted to start to write them over the weekend when I thought it would be very nice to do a little more than just using the store bought card as it was. I loved the look of them but I knew I could just make them look at bit more special and that with very little supplies and time needed.
Apart from the actual card all I needed was a Martha Stewart corner punch which was a snowflake, some glue and ... Swarovski crystal elements ( which were on sale at Michaels 40% off) ... that was it! 
 The time that was needed was very little too ... punching out the snowflakes on all of the corners of the cover and back of the card takes really about a minute and ...

... gluing some of the snowflakes into their new places about another one.
 It gets a little fiddly when it comes to gluing the tiny crystals down in the centers of the snowflakes ...  
... but that only takes maybe tops three minutes and then you are already done.

From this ...

... to this!
You would need maybe five minutes for each card and very little supplies to turn a box card into a beautiful embellished Christmas card for a loved one.

Just imagine you have a Christmas card with a Christmas tree on the cover ~ you could decorate the tree with the punched out snowflakes! In my book this can be done to any Christmas card really so why not give it a try?!

One small tip ... if you don't have crystals for the centers, a small pearl or a drop of glitter glue will have a lovely effect too. 
And last but not least ...

... my snowflake punches are some of my favourite tools I have. I have several different designs that can be used every Christmas no matter what style is 'in' that year and in so many ways too. My personal favourite ones are the Martha Stewart punches so far. They are the best I have found and so worth their money too especially when you use a coupon and buy them at Michaels.
It doesn't have to cost a lot and take much time to be creative ~ simple little things can have a large impact.
I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.
Have a peaceful and creative day,
Karen B. 


  1. Lovely touches to make this ordinary card extraordinary. December Delights...

  2. Oh Karen your Christmas Cards are so simply beautiful and I love your added little touches of punched out snowflakes - just gives them that something special! I have just posted a number of cards that I have been creating too. I really love creating cards myself.
    I want to say too Karen thank you so much for sharing your daughter's wedding with us all. Every single photo is so special and I know that you will revisit the Wedding Day through these photos over and over again and that will bring you so much happiness. The couple looked so radiant and happy!
    And Karen you looked so beautiful in your lace dress but we didn't get to see your shoes on the day!!!!!
    Sending hugs,

  3. So pretty, what a great way to customize your boxed cards! You are so creative, girl! And I didn't realize you are about my age! I was sure you were much younger than me! LOL
    I agree with Suzy, you looked lovely on your daughters beautiful day. Thank you both for the information email about the cake decorator. I looked at her website! Loved the posts about the wedding day!

  4. These are very pretty cards to begin with, but you've add a bit of extra charm. I've been working on my made-from-scratch cards and almost done!!!! Still a few extra special ones that will be hand delivered...all my embellishments make them more costly to mail.. so I'll just do those for close family/friends who'll be around for Christmas this year.

  5. The cards were lovely in the first place but you made them even more so with a little time and effort. They will be a delight to those who receive them.

    Have a lovely Christmas holiday season ~ FlowerLady

  6. I love the idea. Thanks for posting this. I think this would be a wonderful way to get the children or grandchildren involved. They would have so much fund altering the cards in their own way. Children have such wonderful imagination.

  7. You got the magic touch,dear Karen:) Just beautiful.TFS.
    Have a wonderful day.

  8. Simply put........Mah...vell....ous

  9. What a nice idea! I am a cardmaking person for the whole year and for christmas I need 35 cards for family and friends. I am always in a hurry, but it works... somehow ;-).

    Greetings from Germany

  10. what a clever idea...adds such a special touch to store-bought cards. they really "elevate" them. adore them! ;)
