Friday, February 8, 2013

Back With A Bang ..

Hello my dear friends,

old man winter is back with a huge bang and I am not sure how many of you out there are affected by the big snow storm that we have had here in southern Ontario but please be careful and safe.
Here all schools are closed which made my younger daughter Caylagh's day but my poor daughter Ashleigh had to walk all the way to work.

I had already been out first thing at 8 am in the morning and cleared our driveway with the help of my friend, my yellow snow blower and I have also helped my neighbours by doing theirs as well but if you look outside right now you wouldn't think anything has been done.
It had started to snow here some time last night and this morning when I got up at 6.30 it still was snowing until about 15 minutes ago it finally stopped .. well at least for now. So far I think we might have had about a foot of new snow or even more and I don't know if we might get more. I did take some photos though to share with you lovely blogger because despite everything ... it looks beautiful!
Our pool looks like a frozen pond with all the snow.

The poor little birds won't be eating out of this feeder right now.
Wow ... look how high the snow is on the BBQ!

My little Peter Pan is almost fully covered by the snow already.

I wasn't even finished writing this post and it started to snow again and I headed out a second time with the snow blower to clear the sidewalks and driveways and will be it for today.

But didn't I stop there being busy ... no, for the part of the afternoon I sat at my dining table and crocheted some more butterflies and drank lovely hot tea.

It would be so nice for you to visit me here at Todolwen soon again and please be safe in this bad weather.

I hope you are well and life is treating you kind my dear friends.

Have a peaceful and creative weekend,

Karen B.  


  1. Thankfully you are safe in the storm. How very sweet of you to help your neighbors with their snow. Warm tea sounds perfect. Warm hugs...

  2. So kind of you to help your neighbors with all the snow. All together this week we've had at least 10 inches here in WI. Thank you for sharing your lovely photos...snow does make everything look "wonder"ful, even though we have to shovel paths !!Stay safe and warm. I think I'll get my hook out and make some flowers and flutter-bys tonight !! Thank you

  3. Karen, up-here in Barrie we are drowning in snow as well.
    As your pictures show, it looks very pretty!
    I wonder if we are going to hunt for Easter eggs in the snow this year….it is early this year, March 31.
    But first lets have a very ‘Happy Valentines’!
    Tomorrow weather permitting, I shall visit the wool shop and the Goodwill store to get some supply for making the little Butterflies, I am hoping to find a wool sweater at
    the goodwill store, to make a felted nest.
    Have a safe weekend.

  4. Take care and keep cosy - we are seeing some real extremes of weather round the globe, but your part of the world always seems better prepared than mine. Looks like you get fluffy snow, snow blowers are unheard of here - we get wet, heavy stuff that turns to ice and looks pretty only when just fallen - hope you get to make ice lanterns and snowmen. Betty

  5. Your snow is so pretty. We don't get snow here in the valley of the sun but I don't mind seeing pictures of it. I left snow behind in 2000. I've been warm ever since. : )

  6. Hello Karen, so glad you have a warm home to come in to. Hope that most of the snow and winds are diminishing. Snow makes everything so quiet and clean. A gentle white blanket to go along with your sweet white hearts. Blessings and smiles.
