Monday, October 15, 2012

A Lovely Saturday

Hello my dear friends,

we had our first frost on Saturday morning and I am actually glad we are heading into the colder season of the year after such a hot and humid summer.

I spent a lot of my time sitting at my dining room window doing all sorts of things such as reading your lovely blogs and taking photos of the garden or rather what was visiting my garden. I am like a little kid when something furry or with feathers shows up. It is just nice to sit and watch a blue jay or a cardinal in the bird feeders, a squirrel gathering goodies for the cold winter months and a chipmunk finding warm bedding for it's little winter nest...

All my garden critters ~ just love them!
I really like this photo, I don't know why but I do!
And last but but not least ...
...apart from spending time at home with my daughters I also headed out on a mission. The mission was to find some beautiful wool so I could start my first scarf for Vicki's pink scarf project. There was just something there urging me not just to think about it but to actually do something. 
I was really happy because I found this lovely pale pink wool that has mohair in it and it is so soft and delicate and to add a little something I also bought some very fine crochet yarn in a darker shade of pink. Combined together I was sure it would look very nice.
Very content with the outcome of my mission I headed back home and started my first scarf ... 
... and I actually finished it that same evening!! 
I got so caught up in knitting that every spare moment I had in between cooking, the laundry and watching a movie my needles were just working away. I am not a great knitter but I know the basics and that's all it takes really! I made a basic scarf ~ but it isn't 100 percent finished because I still need to embellish it. That will be my next step. I already have an idea what I am going to do and hopefully I will be finished with it completely in the next few days and then it'll be on it's way to Vicki. For some reason I know it won't be my last scarf either and I will keep you up to date with this here on Todolwen.
I hope you are well and life is treating you kind my dear friends.
Have a peaceful and creative day,
Karen B. 


  1. LOL, I just knew you would start straight away and finish it ever so quickly! Well done, girl. As I have the wool but not the knitting needles yet, I am making crochet flowers to embellish my scarf with for now. I so want to get started as well. There is nothing better on cold days like these than sitting by an open fire and crocheting/knitting something pretty.

  2. Love the pictures Karen! That chipmunk is too adorable. The yarn you found is so beautiful, anxious to see the finished product!

  3. I glad to see you're taking up Vicki's challenge.
    Congratulations on already getting one knitted.
    Great pictures..I love seeing the "wild" animals come into my yard too.
