Wednesday, March 28, 2012

What A Busy Week ..

Hello my dear friends,

firstly I would like to say that I am so happy you all liked my butterfly tutorial! I was a bit worried that I wouldn't be able to give you photos that would be good enough and that you would be able to see how it was made.

I can't believe how busy I was this past week. My husband was home for 8 days and that meant that anything that needed doing had to be done in those days. We are deciding if we should take on a new big house project which is having our basement built out new. We had to have work done to the outside of our house 2 years ago when we discovered that our foundation had  big cracks that were letting water in and we had to rip everything out and then wait to make sure everything would stay dry.

And on top of that the weather was so great here ~ we broke the previous record ~ and our garden needed so much work as well. I am hoping to start the final stage of our outdoor project next month. Salisbury, our willow tree is starting to look great this year again.

And last but not least my back has been bothering me lately again.

All this meant that I had no time for creating really, not even a little. I did have a few little ideas and I did find a little time to find a few new treasures but that's all. I am hoping that this coming week things will settle down a little and I will get a chance to do something creative.

Here are my newest findings ...

 ... a little bit of sparkles ...

... and these neat small antique tins!
 I am not sure what I am going to be creating with these but as soon as something is made I will share it with you.

... some shiny silver painted cast iron butterflies ...

... and some vintage star tart tins waiting to be used in a future Christmas creation and I think I already know what that might be!

Please keep dropping in at Todolwen to see what I might have to share the next time.

I hope you are well and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day,

Karen B.


  1. The antique tins look great.Just think, what you can do with them, hmmmmmmm.
    Have a nice day,


  2. Sorry to hear about your back Karen, I know how painful that can be! I will say a prayer that it clears up so you will be able to get going on new creations!
    I love all the goodies you have collected, what wonderful and inspiring items.
    Take it easy and have a peaceful, happy day!
    Tina xo

  3. Those are great finds Karen. Love the necklace and those tins are just awesome.
    Can´t wait for the flea market season to open over here - only a few more weeks.
    Sorry to hear about your back - hope it will get better soon.
