Wednesday, November 24, 2021

Pretty Sparkly Snowflakes ...

 Hello my dear friend,

it's been a while again, hasn't it.

  I am happy that I can share my newest making with you today. It is one of those projects that I started almost a year ago, to be exact a few days before Christmas last year and that is where it also once again ended (this seems to be the story of my crafting life these days ... sigh).

 These days it's more and more about reusing and recycling which is such a great thing in my eyes and we should all try to do so much more of it. With that in mind I had wanted to make something neat, wintery/Christmassy and pretty but also very useful and that in more than one way and I think, I came up with a neat idea. ... I made sparkly snowflakes! I love to crochet and snowflakes are just so beautiful so that is why I decided to make them and I am so glad I did. 

 Like I said, they are not only pretty but quite versatile and useful too!

 You can hang them as ornaments on your Christmas tree or in your window. They would make a beautiful garland too or look pretty embellishing your wreath and ...

... you can decorate a gift with them too.

The best thing is that once you are 'done' with them or you would just like a change in decor, you can scrub your dishes with them ... now if that isn't versatile and useful!

Oh and just by chance, they stack up looking a little like a Christmas tree.

I have just listed a few sets of these pretties in my Etsy shop if any of you are interested. They are a custom order and I will need a few days to make them. I will also be listing a few more of my creations in the next few day, some pretties from last year and some new ones from this year. So, why not pop over and take a look?!

What is on my worktable right now? ... I am working on a Winter/Christmas throw cushion cover since I couldn't find what I wanted, so 'do it yourself ' is the solution to that and I am using my snowflakes to embellished it. Once done and if I like it, I will share it here at Todolwen with you.

Thank you for taking the time to stop by and visit me, it is always so nice when you do

I hope you are well my dear friend and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.