Wednesday, August 30, 2017

These Past Weeks ...

Hello my dear friends,

these past weeks have been quite eventful me.

I had to take time off from doing anything straining and rest due to being injured and unwell too. Unfortunately I was bitten by a neighbors small dog twice about a few weeks ago now (once on my right wrist and on my right leg) because silly me didn't see the signs of him not being a happy puppy and approached him anyways. (Won't do that again for sure!) I am now all healed now from being all bruised up and having a few puncture wounds plus I needed to have a tetanus shot because of it which made my poor arm ache even more.

 But if that wasn't enough, I am still fighting a severe infection in my left elbow which was very badly swollen and quite painful too. I have just finished a course of very strong antibiotics for it but still am on other medication for a while. I have been trying to rest it as good as possible in hope it would get better and it seems that it slowly is.

But things weren't all bad!

I did spend a little time being a creative in between ice packs and resting my arm but I have not shared what I made with all of you yet here on Todolwen. I did put one picture of it an Instagram I think but today I am finally sharing it with you here!

 I had found two little 1930 trophies in an antique store a while ago and now it was finally time to work with them. They are so neat and just beautiful. All tarnished and aged perfectly and just calling out to be turned into something and in my case, that is a pincushion ~ of course!

This is one if the two little trophies ...

... such a lovely piece!

And here is my finished little creation and I am so loving it!

Vintage velvet in a lovely shade of grey, seam binding and a vintage piece of sparkle made this lovely little pincushion the pretty little creation it is. Not too little and not too much but just right in my eyes.

My newest little pincushion turned out so neat and hopefully I will get to work on the the second little trophy very soon. This one is for sale and I will be listing it in my Etsy shop sometime this weekend.

The best thing that happened these past weeks was, that I went to Toronto overnight with my daughter Caylagh again.

 We went to see "Coldplay"in concert!
We have been planning this since the beginning of the year and it was beyond AMAZING!

The concert took place at the Rogers Center, which is right next to the CN Tower. Almost 40000 people were there and the place with just buzzing with an amazing energy, great music, a ton of lights and fireworks! And to make it really special, it was the day of the eclipse too ~ August 21st!

Everyone received a wristband when the arrived at the Rogers Center and that would turn out to be something really neat!

The wristbands would light up in all different colors and "dance" to the music that was playing. They  turn the Rogers Center into something almost magical.

Even the CN Tower lighting was tuned into the music that was playing a few yards away from it. Needless to say that my poor elbow didn't rest very much that night from dancing and clapping a lot.

Yet again, one amazing night and memory for me to treasure.

So, that has been my past weeks. What have you been up too the past few weeks?... Anything interesting?

It is so nice that you took the time to stop by today and visit me here at Todolwen and maybe I will see you back here again sometime soon.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.

Sunday, August 13, 2017

Painting At The Lake ...

Hello my dear friends,

last week Sunday it was time to take a little break from house and gardenwork and spend some time with my lovely daughters.

We headed to a flea market at Lake Huron where I was really good and didn't spend a lot of money. After that we took to the beach. We just wanted to spend a little sitting in the sand but oh my gosh ... it was so crowded! Even though it was very busy, we were very fortunate to find a spot to sit and that close to the waters edge. 

We hadn't brought our swimsuits along because bad weather and storms had be in the forecast but we did bring water coloring and sketching things instead. For the first little while I took to looking for beach glass as I do every time I am at the beach. It has become my "thing". When ever I am at a beach, I try to find one piece of beach glass.

 And I did!

That done and dusted, it was time to sit down and be creative. We soon noticed that we didn't actually bring everything we needed after all, so a food tray became our paint pallet and ...

... what other than lake water was used to paint with.

I chose to paint what was right in front of me which was the sky and it's clouds, the lake and the beach. I painted my picture less the many people that were there and also without any guidelines, just straight ahead brush and paint to paper.

Looking at it,  I don't think it didn't turn out too bad for my first attempt of doing it like this but more practice is still needed for sure. 

It was so relaxing to just sit and watch the gently moving water and paint.
The more I concentrated on what I was doing, the more the noise of all the people in the water and on the beach became less intense and the sound of the shallow waves hitting the shore became more dominant. That changed once some seagulls turned up though. 

One of them had found something tasty to eat ...

... and another one wanted a piece of it.

He stood close by, waiting to make his move but it the end the seagull with the tasty food just took to the air and flew away.

On the drive home the bad weather decided to not hold off anymore and ... 

... at one stage I pulled over and stood for a few moments because of the intense rain. Luckily it moved on very fast and we got back home OK. Overall our day was very nice! I got to practice my water coloring skills a little more and spend some time with my two baby girls ~ it couldn't have been better!

Back at home, I have finally finished painting our entry hall and upstairs hallway. All I need to do now, is find somethings to hang on the walls and a new little hall table but there is not rush really. I have just started working on a few new bits and pieces that I have recently bought and I am excited to share them with you all once they are done. So when ever you have a few spare moments, why don't you drop by again, here at Todolwen and see what I have been up too.

I hope you are well my dear friends and life is treating you kind.

Have a peaceful and creative day.